Why Thorough Investigations Win Truck Accident Injury Cases

As hard as it may be to believe, the chaotic aftermath of a truck wreck is also the starting point of accident investigation. What happens in the minutes, hours, days and weeks to follow is crucial for an injured person, because the results of an accident investigation will have ...

Will Coronavirus Affect Car Accident Cases in Texas?

The ongoing coronavirus emergency continues to disrupt most people’s lives in some way, and the judicial system is no exception. Several people have asked us whether COVID-19 could affect a car accident case, whether it’s a pending case that’s already in progress or a case ...

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Summer is almost here, and along with the vacations, cookouts and other fun activities comes an increase in driving. While that means more cars and SUVs hauling families to their next destination, it also means more motorcyclists will hit the road, eager to enjoy the nice weather...

Settle or Trial: Pros and Cons in Personal Injury Cases

When you or someone you love has been seriously injured through the negligence of someone else, such as in a truck accident, car crash or by a defective product, the prospect of a legal battle can seem somewhat demoralizing. After all, legal issues take time to resolve, and your ...

Texas parents may encounter battery explosions in toddler toy

Batteries can be extremely dangerous when exposed to heat. Melting plastic in certain products is also dangerous because the fumes that come out of the plastic as it melts can be potentially poisonous. The combination of these two problems can result in serious injuries. Battery ...

Texas man with burn injury wants employer to pay

People who hold industrial jobs are often exposed to potentially hazardous conditions and, therefore, the businesses and supervisors who employ them are held to a high standard of safety. One Texas man who has suffered a horrendous burn injury is seeking to hold his employer and ...