Fall hazards present real risk to those 65 and older

Anyone can end up severely injured from a slip and fall accident. From kids breaking bones on playgrounds to middle-aged men slipping in the grocery store, no one is immune to the possibility of hurting themselves by taking a tumble. In this post, though, we wish to focus on one specific population: those over the age of 65.

We have all seen the TV shows where someone slipping and falling is the punch line. However, the truth is that there is nothing funny about falling down. In fact, according to one article that appeared online for the Neurologic Rehabilitation Institute, many over the age of 65 end up with a brain injury following a slip and fall.

However, the threat does not end there either. In fact, approximately 75 percent of slip and fall injuries are considered “life threatening” for those over the age of 65.

Looking at just how serious these injuries can be — from the above mentioned brain injuries to painful breaks and fractures — it is also important to talk about prevention and holding people and companies accountable for creating or ignoring unsafe conditions.

Property owners responsible for keeping a safe property

In general, property owners are responsible for maintaining a safe environment. This means making sure of the following:

  • Missing or broken railings are installed or fixed
  • Uneven or missing stairs are fixed or replaced
  • Stairwells are well lit
  • Spills are promptly cleaned up
  • Hazards, such as loose flooring or carpeting are properly secured

Of course, these are just some examples of fall hazards and are not an all-inclusive list. However, the one thing that remains true is that property owners — both residential and commercial — have a legal duty to make sure properties are managed, operated and maintained in a way that is safe for everyone, including those over the age of 65.

Even though property owners know this, the truth is that not all comply. Some owners may even realize there is a problem, but not fix it properly. In general, when there is reason to believe negligence led to a fall injury, the next step should be reaching out to an attorney. This attorney can examine the true cause of the slip and fall and help build a case against the property owner.