Thanks to dashboard cam, police catch raging driver

A minor car accident with a major build-up was caught on camera recently, helping police identify the individual at fault and putting him in handcuffs. The accident was caused by a driver experiencing some road rage, as he attempted to cut off the other vehicle.

It is unclear what sparked the confrontation between the drivers of the two vehicles, but the driver most at fault was revving the engine of his vehicle at the other driver, while also pulling up alongside the other vehicle to apparently taunt and yell at the other driver.

It all culminated with the raging driver cutting off the other vehicle, which hit the back bumper of the vehicle driven by the angry driver. Initially, the police had little to go. Each driver blamed the other for the accident, so nothing was done.

However, another vehicle that was trailing behind the two vehicles involved in the wreck captured the entire scene on video thanks to his dashboard camera. The video definitively showed that the raging driver was at fault, and the police arrested him for his reckless actions.

This story is less about the actual motor vehicle accident and more about the role of video cameras and video evidence in car accidents going forward.

Dashboard cameras aren’t very common here in the United States, but they can serve a very important function. Capturing accidents like this gives the police a wealth of information that they can use to make an official determination on the cause of the accident and the fault involved in the accident.

Source: ABC News, “Dash-Cam Video Shows Alleged Road Rage Accident on Arizona Highway,” Aug. 28, 2015