The EPA Confirms the Dangers of Asbestos Exposure

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released its Draft Risk Evaluation for Asbestos. Although these are preliminary findings from a review of many potential asbestos exposures, they highlight the dangers of asbestos. EPA Finds Asbestos Poses an Unreasonable Thr...

Johnson & Johnson Hit with $750 Million Cancer Verdict; Thousands More Cases Pending

We wrote an article last year discussing what was then a new, bombshell report about how consumer goods giant Johnson & Johnson knew that its famous baby powder was made using talc contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos.  Fast-forward to the first few months of 2020 ...

States File a Lawsuit Over Asbestos Regulations Against the EPA

Medical professionals diagnose approximately 3,000 new cases of asbestos-related mesothelioma each year within the United States. Individuals diagnosed with the disease have an average life expectancy of only 12 to 22 months. To help combat against mesothelioma, 10 states have ...

Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $300 Million in Punitive Damages in Talc Cancer Lawsuit

On May 31, a New York jury hit consumer products giant Johnson & Johnson with an order to pay $300 million in punitive damages to a woman who developed asbestos-related cancer after using the company’s talc products, including its iconic baby powder. The punitive damage aw...

Military Attempts to Clean Up After Housing Scandal

U.S. military branches have sent high-level commanders to visit nearly 300,000 housing units in the aftermath of a devastating Reuters report that detailed serious health and safety hazards at military housing facilities across the country.Earlier this year, we’ve already sum...

Military Attempts to Clean Up After Housing Scandal

U.S. military branches have sent high-level commanders to visit nearly 300,000 housing units in the aftermath of a devastating Reuters report that detailed serious health and safety hazards at military housing facilities across the country. Earlier this year, we summarized the r...

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Navy Veterans in Asbestos Case

On March 19, 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the widows of two Navy veterans who died of mesothelioma can move forward with a lawsuit against five manufacturers of asbestos-containing equipment, even though the asbestos was added to the equipment by a third party after pu...

Safety of Military Housing Under Scrutiny After Children Suffer Lead Poisoning

Military families living at bases in Texas and across the nation remain frustrated and concerned about their health months after a bombshell Reuters report exposed lead paint poisoning hazards in privatized homes on military bases. Military leadership has been scrambling to addr...

Who Is at Risk for Mesothelioma?

Like any other cancer, mesothelioma can be scary. People who hear about it in the news or on TV, or who see their friends and coworkers struggle with it, worry if it will happen to them. The truth is that the biggest risk factor for mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. People who w...

Cancer-Causing Asbestos, Banned For Decades, Could Be Returning To American Construction

This past summer, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enacted a new rule that once again permits the use of asbestos products in construction. The rule bypasses the need to evaluate the effects of asbestos exposure in the air, ground or water. Asbestos, now banned in over 6...